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Healy Frequency Healing

"Future Medicine will be the Medicine of Frequencies"

Albert Einstein

"Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way." - Albert Einstein

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” - Nikola Tesla


Healy Frequencies for Your Life

Frequency & vibration is at the core of all healing practices. It is why we practice Energy Medicine, Yoga, Meditation, Qigong. It's why we eat well, exercise and spend time in nature....To raise our frequency so that we are healthy & happy.

Of course we all know that it can work the other way. Most of us have had to deal with illness, pain, emotional turmoil, lack of energy at some point in our lives. Stress and our deeper subconscious patterns & conditioning often sabotaging our good intentions to become healthy.

We all have a unique bioenergetic imprint, and our frequencies change continually depending on inside and outside influences...thoughts, emotions, experiences and what we percieve is happening around us. The Healy is a device with a quantum sensor, that can read our frequencies & imprints and help us re-establish coherence. It uses Individualised Micro-current Frequencies (IMF) to harmonise our bioenergetic field and bring every level of our being into balance

Every organ, cell, thought, emotion, action, word, has a frequency. In fact our whole world is made up of frequencies. And when these vibrations & frequencies come into harmony, magic happens! 

The Healy can optimize our energy, release stress &  pain, improve sleep,  balance emotions and help us change our frequency to one of wellbeing, connection & joy. 

Notice: In the European Union Healy is a medical device for the treatment of pain in chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine, as well as for the supportive treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and related sleep disorders.

Healy Programs

The Healy can be used distantly, or in person and can benefit all areas of your life.

Some examples of the programs available:




Deep Cycle

Digital Nutrition







Mental Balance



Program for Animals 

Power of Three - Bioenergetic Rebalance, Universal frequencies & Digital Ayurveda

Remedies including Bach Flower, Alaskan Gems, Australian Bush & Homeopathy. 

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Aura Reading (done distantly)

70 Euros

Receive a reading, an interpretation of the most relevant 3 chakras, and an analysis.... There will also be suggestions in the reading as to which colours, stones etc will help re-establish balance

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Aura Reading & 2 Relevant Techniques

120 Euros

Based on your Aura Reading I will send you two different techniques to help re-establish balance. These could be from energy medicine, breath work, acupressure or other holistic practices

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Aura Reading & 1 Months Frequencies (distant)

150 Euros

220 Euros with 2 relevant techniques

Receive an Aura reading with analysis and harmonising frequencies sent to you 3 x a day every for 1 month to bring your energies into harmony

Weekly connection emails and 2 relevant techniques from energy medicine, qigong, pranayama or other holistic practices

To find out more and purchase your own Healy please go to this link

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